Archives July 2022

Stop je hond om je op Walks

te trekken.

Aanrichting is gebruikelijk bij veel honden, en het is meestal slechts een teken van nieuwsgierigheid. Als u echter een hondeneigenaar bent, weet u dat het trekken tijdens een lekkere wandeling vervelend kan zijn. Maar wist je dat trekken ook schadelijk kan zijn voor de gezondheid van je hond? Wanneer je hond je trekt, is het gebruikelijk om hem of haar te corrigeren. Maar strakke kragen in de nek van uw huisdier kunnen knijpen en schade aanrichten. Ook, hoe moeilijker je terugtrekt, hoe meer je huisdier erdoor wil duwen. Daarom kan uw hond angst ontwikkelen vanwege de constante correcties, wat kan leiden tot angst om helemaal te lopen.

Als uw hond aangelijnde angst ontwikkelt, is het waarschijnlijk veilig om te zeggen dat hij of zij niet meer wil wandelen met u. En dat is niet waar het wandelen van honden om draait. Het wordt verondersteld leuk te zijn, en een geweldige tijd voor jou om een ​​band te maken met je pooch! Dat is de reden waarom de makers van Thundershirt een riem creëerden genaamd Thunderleash die eigenaren van huisdieren helpt met riem met riemhonden. Zodra Thunderleash correct is geconfigureerd, creëert het een harnas dat constante druk rond de romp van uw hond biedt – net als een kalmerende knuffel. Deze constante druk vermindert de angst van je hond en voorkomt dat hij of haar je trekt, wat veel beter is dan rond het blok worden gesleept.

Angstdog TrainingDogsnew -producten

De eerste reis van mijn hond naar de Ocean

Dog’s eerste reis naar de oceaan

Mijn familie en ik hebben vorige week 2.000 mijl over het land verhuisd van Fargo, N.D., naar Solana Beach, Californië. Hoe drie volledige dagen te reizen met een honden en twee katten (in één kleine auto) zullen een komende post moeten zijn.

Voor nu zijn hier enkele foto’s van de eerste keer op het strand van mijn Mutt aas. Hij is natuurlijk een echte waterpan en houdt ervan om eerst in elke bron van water te duiken – de Red River, Lake Superior, een kinderachtig zwembad of de Stille Oceaan.

Hoewel talloze van jullie mij kennen als een hardloper, zwemmen mijn sterkere sporten eigenlijk. Ik speelde voor het Minnesota U-23 rugbyteam op de universiteit en ik was een competitieve zwemmer op de middelbare school.

Toen ik Ace adopteerde, wilde ik specifiek een hond die van het water hield zoals ik, en de jonge jongen kreeg ik er een! Hij en ik hebben talloze wateravonturen gehad in de Midwest en we kunnen niet wachten om nieuwe avonturen aan onze lijst toe te voegen.

Goede jongen, aas. Bedankt dat je zo’n goede reismaatje, avonturenzoeker en vriend bent.

Is uw hond een “waterhond”?

(Ik denk dat de shit -tas op de foto’s een goede touch is.)

PetVi evaluation & voucher Code – Nutritional Supplements for family pets

Note: That Mutt as well as PetVi have partnered to bring you this post!

Use code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement at

It’s discouraging when your pet dog is prone to continuous health and wellness problems like itchy skin, ear infections or digestive troubles.

It may feel like you’re at the vet every other month (paying $200 a visit) only to end up ideal back where you started!

Last year was a struggle for my senior pet dog Ace. We were at the vet for an ear infection in March, an eye infection in April, “hot spots” in July as well as continuous treatment for a puzzling, non-healing wound.

Itchy skin as well as ears are so typical for dogs, as well as I understand lots of of you can relate.

It’s really frustrating trying to get to the bottom of these symptoms. Ace even has his own doggy dermatologist now who’s assisting us kind with all of this!

One thing I’ve discovered is it’s crucial to look at the huge photo as well as to assist your dog’s immune system be as strong as it can be.

Recently, I partnered with PetVi, a pet dog nutritional as well as digestive supplement business devoted to assisting dogs get rid of problems associated to itchy skin as well as digestive disorders.

I’m truly ecstatic about the products PetVi uses as well as of program to be able to share them with you.

PetVi’s products include:

PetVi Digestive health and wellness Supplement (there’s a range for dogs as well as for cats)

PetVi Digestive health and wellness Supplement + Hip & Joint

PetVi Probiotic Treats

Use voucher code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement at checkout.

More about PetVi’s supplements for pets

PetVi is a business that supplies nutritional as well as digestive supplements for dogs AND cats. My two cats have had the chance to try a few of PetVi’s products ideal along side their sibling Ace.

PetVi’s products are created to assist a pet preserve good health by naturally replacing lots of of the vitamins, minerals as well as enzymes cooked out of produced pet food (kibble).

This isn’t to state that dry pet dog food is bad. It’s just that our family pets miss out on specific vitamins as well as enzymes when they don’t eat sufficient fresh food. It’s not rocket science. And for those of you who feed a raw diet, believe me I comprehend the peace of mind that includes adding a few additional supplements to your recipes.

PetVi’s supplements can be added to dry pet food, canned pet food, homecooked pet foods or raw pet foods. as well as according to the company, the components are all natural.

PetVi stated its a lot of prominent product is its original digestive health and wellness supplement. This is available for both dogs as well as cats.

PetVi’s digestive health and wellness supplement can assist with:

Restoring as well as preserving gut health
Decreasing a pet’s itchy skin & excess shedding
Decreasing digestive problems
Strengthening the immune system

PetVi’s digestive health and wellness supplement is a source of dietary fibers, digestive enzymes, omega-3 fatty acid and probiotics. The primary component is suncured alfalfa meal.

Alfalfa is a “super food” that contains fiber as well as vitamins A, E, U, B6, K as well as D, according to PetVi. It likewise consists of important enzymes.

Click right here to buy PetVi’s digestive health and wellness supplement
(use code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement)

Each 1-pound bag will supply a big pet dog for 30 days, a medium pet dog for 60 days or a little pet dog for 90 days. It likewise includes a 120-day money back guarantee.

PetVi evaluation – Is it assisting Ace?

I just started adding the dietary supplement to Ace’s food two weeks ago, as well as I feel hopeful it will work to boost his immune system. It’s truly as well soon to tell, but I will compose a publish next month with a lot more details.

For those of you who would like to try this product for your dogs together with Ace, go into the giveaway below or get the supplement here. I’ll include your comments in my next post. PetVi as well as I are hoping this product can assist as lots of of my visitors as possible.

As with any type of modification in diet, keep in mind it can take some time to notice any type of modifications as well as new supplements must always be introduced slowly.

Giveaway – Win a bag of PetVi Digestive health and wellness Supplement for your dog

PetVi is providing away a 1-pound bag of its digestive health and wellness supplement to five lucky visitors of That Mutt so your dogs or cats can try this supplemenT samen met mijn huisdieren.

*De vijf winnaars zijn op de hoogte gebracht.

En veronderstelling wat? Deze weggeefactie is beschikbaar voor zowel de VS als Canadese lezers! Ik weet het, eindelijk! ?

Laat hieronder een reactie achter, zodat ik begrijp dat uw huisdier wil. Waarom denkt u dat uw hond of kat van Petvi zou profiteren?

Ik selecteer vijf winnaars willekeurig op Sun 13 maart. Moet een Amerikaanse of Canadees postadres hebben om te winnen.

Vergeet niet dat u ook $ 2 per supplement kunt besparen wanneer u de vouchercode gebruikt die bij het afrekenen is. Klik hier.

Zou uw hond of kat graag Petvi’s spijsverteringsgezondheid en welzijnssupplement proberen?

Laat me het begrijpen in de reacties!

Brand new GPS Pet Tracker – Guardian Orb + Giveaway

My weimaraner likes to run ahead of me on the trails. He’s not a courageous dog as well as always keeps me in sight. He darts ahead about 100 lawns (oh so brave!), as well as then stops to make sure I’m following.

But as most of you are well aware, a few of our dogs just can’t assist themselves around birds, rabbits, squirrels or whatever it may be.

I do my finest at discovering the balance between obligation as well as providing my dog the flexibility to be a weim. There is danger to that, as well as my dog definitely takes off into the clean in browse of birds. (Sorry, birds.)

Guardian Orb is a brand-new pet tracker that has taken all the great of the present GPS pet trackers while likewise overcoming the limitations (no monthly charges or subscriptions). It will be offered in July 2018. December 2019 update: Guardian Orb has not yet released the GPS tracking product. You can checked out updates on their Indiegogo page here.

This publish is sponsored by Guardian Orb.

GPS Pet Tracker – Guardian Orb

When my dog bounds ahead into the brush, I understand it’s only a matter of 30 seconds before I see his derpy deal with re-appear.

But there’s always some danger in enabling any type of dog off leash. perhaps the dog takes off a bit further than usual as well as gets confused. perhaps the wind somehow disorients him as well as he goes the wrong way.

Unfortunately, almost everybody understands a dog who has gotten lost. If it hasn’t occurred to you, I’m sure you understand a good friend or household member who has lost a dog for at least a few minutes. It’s terrifying!

Today I’m going to tell you a bit more about the new GPS pet tracker called Guardian Orb.

With the product, a little “Orb” attaches to your pet’s collar as well as the Guardian Orb app provides you gain access to to your pet’s real-time place from your phone, tablet or computer. There are no monthly charges or subscriptions, as well as it has a tracking radius as much as 10 miles.

Here is a video we made about Guardian Orb:

Features of the Guardian Orb GPS pet tracker:

Attaches to your dog’s collar (or a feline or other pet’s collar)

Tracking radius as much as 10 miles

NO monthly charges or subscriptions!

Offers advanced geo-location technology

Smallest pet tracking gadget available, according to the company

Tracks your pet in genuine time

Track from any type of smartphone, tablet or desktop

Stationary as well as portable “base” choices for house or travel

Private secure network


Uses radio signal, cellular GSM as well as GPS tracking


I have not tested Guardian Orb yet since it’s not offered up until July.

Guardian Orb is trying to be the very best pet tracker possible as well as as you can see there are a great deal of benefits.

The only con I can see is that with all innovation there are limitations. It might be human error where you fail to remember to fee the battery or it might be that you’re hiking in a remote area where you believed you’d have cell reception however you don’t.

Guardian Orb is truly trying to offer the very best product as well as service possible though by utilizing radio signal, cellular GSM as well as GPS tracking.

How to order a Guardian Orb

Follow Guardian Orb on Facebook so you don’t miss out on introduce updates.

More information on exactly how the Guardian Orb pet tracker works

The Guardian Orb attaches to your dog’s collar, as well as then you pair it with the “base” system – either a “Guardian Go” for travel as well as adventures or a “Guardian Home.” The “Orb” is 1.2” in diameter. You can utilize several Orbs with one base system if you have several dogs.

Guardian Home: links to your Web router as well as tracks your pet from house as much as 10 miles.

It pairs with any type of smartphone, tablet or desktop with wifi or cellular. It combines Radio Signal, Cellular GSM as well as GPS tracking so there are three methods to discover your pup.

Guardian Go: The Guardian Go is what I photo being most practical for my dog Remy for our hiking as well as camping adventures. This is a portable base station that fits in your pocket or pack as well as pairs with your mobile gadget via Bluetooth. The tracking radius moves together with you, tracking as much as ten miles with a 16-hour battery life.

The Guradian Go base system is 3” by 2.5” by 1.5”. like the Guardian Home, this likewise combines Radio Signal, Cellular GSM as well as GPS tracking. as well as remember, there are no monthly kosten of abonnementen.

U kunt ook de Guardian Orb gebruiken voor andere huisdieren zoals katten, paarden of een huisdier met iets dat u ook de “bol” kunt aansluiten.

Hier is een afbeelding met een paar functies van Guardian Orb in vergelijking met andere PET -trackers:

Laat me begrijpen of u zich zorgen maakt over het product.

Gerelateerde berichten:

Wat te doen als u uw hond verliest

Uit aangelijnde wandelen met uw hond

*Nogmaals, zeg u voor u voor de vriendelijke berichten over ons recente verlies van zowel ACE als Beamer. Uw aantekeningen helpen echt.

Resources on Preparing Your dog for a infant – What We’ve learned

thanks to everybody for tagging along as I shared exactly how we prepared our dog Baxter for the birth of our very first baby, Ellie.

Ellie is now four months old. I feel like Baxter changed extremely smoothly. He’s not a devoted huge sibling who has to be near her all the time, however neither is he jealous or irritated or uneasy.

Mostly he doesn’t pay extremely much interest to her. Which is absolutely fine with me.

Every so often, he seems a bit protective. When I’m working outside in the gardens as well as Ellie is in her stroller, Baxter invariably chooses to lie next to the wheels.

I stated in my very first publish of this series that growling is good. Baxter has started growling in a new way—he growled at a couple of visitors when they were near Ellie as well as nowhere near him.

I’m trying to do a much better task of managing situations to ensure that he doesn’t ended up being unpleasant when people are around his baby.

We’re continuing to make sure Baxter’s as well as Ellie’s interactions are positive, as well as we recognize as she grows that we’re going to have to teach her exactly how to interact politely with him as well as that he’s going to have to keep on adjusting to her.

Resources on preparing your dog for a baby

To wrap up this series, I wanted to share a few of the biggest lessons I learned as well as likewise the resources I consulted leading as much as as well as complying with the birth of our baby. To see all posts in this series, click here.

At many points in the preparation phase, I felt extremely blind. I had no concept exactly how to take care of a baby. who was I to tell people exactly how to take care of a dog as well as a baby?

However, believing things with as well as doing some fundamental prep made me feel much better than if I just crossed my fingers as well as hoped whatever was going to be okay. as well as now that Ellie as well as Baxter have been living together for a number of months, I feel like it has made a difference in exactly how they interact.

Our dog trainer

An important resource was our trainer. She has understood Baxter since he joined our family, so she was able to assess him based on a long history. As well, she’s a mom herself, so she drew on that experience in helping us prepare.

The most valuable thing our trainer gave me was confidence.

She talked about the adaptability of dogs, Baxter’s unwinded mindset in most situations as well as helped me to feel like a few of the issues I was worried about weren’t insurmountable.

She likewise got me believing in advance about exactly how I wanted to handle key situations like shared spaces or the preliminary greeting.

Biggest lessons – what we’ve learned

1. work with a qualified trainer.

Someone who is experienced working with dogs as well as children, understands the specific behaviour issues you want to address, has an approach you’re comfortable with, or who already knows your dog will be your most valuable partner as you prepare your dog for a nieuwe baby.

2. handle your expectations.

Throughout my pregnancy I tried to keep my expectations low. I believed Baxter may struggle with specific things—just like I believed I would likely struggle with different aspects of parenthood. Therefore, any type of success feels like a major win!

3. define what success appears like for you.

For me, I summed up success as safe, happy, respect. What risk-free means for you may be different than what it means to me. understand what you’re working towards as well as then establish a plan to accomplish your goals.

4. Do some prep work.

Maybe you’re like me as well as feel extremely unprepared for this whole parenthood thing. training my dog gave me control as well as confidence in one extremely important element of my life.

Plus, while dogs are adaptable, it’s unreasonable to expect them to change perfectly to such a big modification in their life. Implementing a few modifications in advance can make life easier for everybody when infant arrives.

5. listen to your dog.

I’ll state it again. Growling is good. It’s a communication from your dog that he is uncomfortable. watch for other communications from your dog, mainly with his body language, as well as assist him change to the infant based on his own comfort level.

6. Your dog is a swimming pool.

Maggie from Oh My dog stated to never leave your dog alone with your child.De analogie van het zwembad kwam van een van de boeken die ik heb uitgecheckt (zie de onderstaande bronnen).

Het is een geweldige herinnering dat, ongeacht hoe positief we zijn in onze honden of onze kinderen dat ze onvoorspelbare wezens kunnen zijn, evenals de allerbeste methode om iedereen risicovrij te houden, zowel aanwezig is als attent.

Baxter is een vrij onafhankelijke kerel die van zijn eigen ruimte houdt.

Ik had niet verwacht dat hij de allereerste vrijwilliger was voor het oppassen, en ik vraag me af dat hij ooit een van die honden zal zijn die je met de baby ziet knuffelen. Hij is echter heel, extreem goed veranderd en lijkt Ellie te zien als onderdeel van zijn familie.

Bronnen over het voorbereiden van uw hond op een baby – blogs

Samen met onze trainer was ik echt dankbaar om met enkele andere blogschrijvers te praten over hun ervaringen met honden en baby’s.

Dankzij Maggie bij Oh My Dog, Kim bij Yellow Brick Home, evenals Colby bij Puppy in Training voor het delen van hun suggesties en geleerde lessen. Bovendien zijn hier een paar andere blogs en boeken die ik heb gebruikt om Baxter voor te bereiden op de baby:

Liefde en een zes-voet riem-voorbereid op mini-serie baby-serie

De blog van Aleksandra was een van mijn go-tos toen we Baxter voor het eerst overnamen (Thatmutt was een andere).

Hoewel Aleksandra niet meer post, was haar serie over het voorbereiden van haar hondenkuiken en doodlebug voor hun nieuwe puppy nog steeds iets waarnaar we verwezen toen we ons voorbereidden op onze eigen puppybaby. Het is echt, leuk en nuttig – alles wat ik zoek in hondentraining.

Geel bakstenen huis precies hoe we onze pups voorbereiden op baby

Naast de Q & A -post deelde Kim van Yellow Brick House ook twee berichten op haar eigen blog over hun strategieën voor het voorbereiden van kinderen.

In de eerste, geschreven voordat hun kind Lucy arriveerde, ging ze meer in op details over wat het belangrijkste was voor zowel hun Jack als CC. In het tweede bericht deelde Kim extreem eerlijk precies hoe hun honden veranderden, evenals een paar van de moeilijkheden waarmee ze te maken hadden.

Bronnen voor het voorbereiden van uw hond op een baby – boeken

Baby’s, kinderen en honden: zowel een risicovrije als een harmonieuze verbinding door Melissa Fallon & Vickie Davenport produceren

Een relatief fundamenteel boek omvat echter lichaamstaal, het beoordelen van het comfortniveau van uw hond, trainingsoefeningen. gaat over kinderen voor kinderen.
Bevat grafieken, foto’s en tekeningen om verschillende methoden of lichaamstaal te tonen, evenals zelfs een oefeningssectie voor kinderen om hen te helpen bij het beoordelen van hondenlichaamtaal en ontdekken om beleefd te communiceren met honden.
Ik vind het leuk dat dit boek te maken heeft gehad met het trainen van kinderen naast honden. Ik ben er erg van bewust dat mentor Ellie beleefd is tegenover Baxter een belangrijk onderdeel is van het helpen van Bax om comfortabel om haar heen te zijn.

Bijt het kind niet (en jaag de honden niet) door Lisa J. Edwards

Een handleiding voor de prep van baby geworteld in het echte verhaal van Lisa en haar man die hun zoon, Indy, aanneemt.
Lisa had drie extreem hoge behoeften honden. Haar omstandigheid was zo extreem dat het soms moeilijk was om te bepalen met wat ze doormaakte. Haar honden hadden ernstige gezondheids- en welzijnsproblemen zoals epileptische aanvallen, OCS, diabetes en leeftijdskwesties zoals blindheid. Ze behandelde ook gedragsproblemen zoals het bewaken van hulpbronnen en bijten.
Verhalen en statistieken over beten en kinderletsels brachten het belang van het voorbereiden en het beheren van kinderen en honden. Het maakte dit boek ook een beetje deprimerend en overweldigend.
Zeer afhankelijk van de behandelingstraining en administratie met fysieke scheiding, die niet altijd bij mij resoneert.
Trainingssuggesties aan het einde van elk hoofdstuk braken de lessen af. Het zijn tastbare hulpmiddelen die u met uw eigen honden kunt gebruiken.

Het delen van een huis met een baby en een hond is een continu project. We zullen blijven werken met zowel Baxter als Ellie om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen gelukkig en veilig samen leeft.

Dit zal vooral belangrijk zijn, omdat Ellie meer mobiel wordt en naar Poddlerhood -#tijdvliegen. Het was buitengewoon bijzonder om Ellie aan ons huishouden toe te voegen en echt verheugend om Baxter te zien veranderen in haar leven.

Ik hoop dat deze serie een bron wordt voor andere ouders en hondeneigenaren die er zijn. Als u zorgen maakt om te vragen of te advies om te delen, laat dan een reactie achter op een van de berichten. Bedankt dat je deel uitmaakt van de reis van onze familie.

Julia Thomson is thuis een blogger op 129 hectare waar ze schrijft over haar avonturen van het land van het land en het doe -het -zelf -renovatie. Zij evenals haar huishouden ONline op een 129 hectare grote boerderij in Ontario, Canada. Volg hier aan Julia op Instagram.

Awkward, funny pet sitting stories

Pet sitters see a great deal of odd things.

If you’re a pet sitter, you understand what I’m speaking about!

Sooner or later, you’re bound to walk in on something awkward. You’ll also deal with clients who have some odd requests for their animals.

Plus, you just never know what the dogs as well as cats themselves will do!

I’d truly like to hear your funny, odd or uncomfortable pet sitting stories in the comments. I understand you have them!

The complying with are a couple examples some pet sitters showed me.

When an additional pet just shows up in the house

Crystal Stemberger of Crystal’s relaxing care was hired to inspect on two cats after their normal home sitter fell through.

“I didn’t get to satisfy the cats in advance,” she said. “It was a last-minute hire.”

On her very first visit, she stated she saw a “streak of black as well as white” run past her with the feline door as well as a “fat, happy, gray feline waiting to be fed.”

She filled up their bowls, cleaned their litter boxes as well as went on her way. The next day, she didn’t even see the black-and-white cat, just the gray one.

Then, on the third day, there was the gray feline together with an orange feline waiting by the food dishes.

“At this point, I was extremely confused as well as texted the owners,” Stemberger said.

She asked, “You have two cats, right?”

The owners stated yes, they had a gray feline as well as a black as well as white cat.

“So who is this small, orange tabby?” Stemberger asked.

The owners responded, “We don’t understand that one! Please get it out of our house!”

Stemberger eliminated the orange feline a lot more than once, however he kept coming back.

Eventually, the household ended up adopting the orange tabby.

“His persistence as well as wonderful temperament won them over,” she said. “His new name is Crasher as in ‘party crasher’ considering that ‘free meal’ didn’t roll off the tongue.”

You’ve seen everything if you’re a pet sitter

Katie is the co-owner of a pet sitting service as well as stated she as well as her service partners have seen sufficient to compose a book. (She asked me not to utilize her genuine name).

For example, one of her clients insists the pet sitters speak to her plants to make sure they are “happy as well as content,” Katie said. “And we requirement to step them to a new place if we sense they are depressed.”

This client has a nanny cam to make sure whatever occurs precisely as she wants it, according to Katie.

But that may be nothing compared to a specific longtime, midday client.

This client was going with a divorce from his wife, Katie said. A pet dog walker would go to his home everyday at the exact same time, Monday with Friday.

“One day she walks in, as well as he is in his boxers as well as nothing else as well as he is enjoying porn on his laptop,” she said. “And he acts totally shocked to see her. Echt?”

‘Special’ diets

Many of you understand I am a pet sitter with my service Run That Mutt.

A couple of years back I shown up at a new client’s apartment. I observed a strong odor before I even got to her door. She was the owner of two Yorkie mixes.

The dogs just keep getting sick, she explained.

Then she went over their schedule, describing that they were not housebroken yet as well as that I must expect them to poop in the apartment. (She’d had them a year.)

For their meals, she instructed me to provide them Kentucky Fried poultry twice a day as well as showed me the red, family-sized bucket. I likewise observed a plate of dried up Kraft mac as well as cheese on the floor, untouched.

Please provide them bottled water, she said. The tap water is just “too difficult on their bit systems.”

Getting locked out of the house

Jess Harris was pet sitting one of her regulars, a shiba inu named Teddy.

Teddy might be a bit destructive if enabled to roam in the home alone, Harris said. One morning, Harris inadvertently locked herself out of the home (a pet sitter’s worst nightmare, right?!).

As she sat at the front door waiting on somebody from the business to find with the spare key, she realized Teddy was alone doing who understands what to the house.

“Frantically trying to figure out a method to distract him, I let out a bark with the front door,” she said. “He ran to the front door, barking at the ‘dog’ on the other side.”

She stated she kept barking at him to keep him distracted from destroying the house!

“It worked like a charm, however people walking by most likely believed it rather odd to see some random woman at their neighbor’s front door, barking at her dog!”

Unwanted gifts

Brooke increased was pet dog sitting a friend’s pet dog named Huck, as well as she stated Huck showed up on the back deCK met een “vrijstaand” hertenpoot in zijn mond.

“Ik heb geen concept als de gouden retriever het been van een karkas zelf scheurde of gewoon het been ontdekte, maar ik had een algemeen verlies van wat ik moest doen,” zei ze.

In Tahoe is het niet vreemd om hier een hertenkarkas te ontdekken, volgens Rose.

Ik moet zeggen, ik heb die ervaring nog nooit gehad met Run That Mutt!

Oké, huisdierensitters en hondenwandelaars, ik wil nu je gekke verhalen horen. Ik begrijp dat je ze hebt!

How do I stop my small dog from guarding me?

jump ahead to:

Small dog’s possessiveness of owner

Tips to stop a small dog’s possessiveness of his owner

How to stop my dog from resource guarding me

1. understand the problem – Why does my dog guard me?

2. dedicate to solving your dog’s guarding

What to do if your dog is protective of you?

3. Do not hold the dog when he’s growling

4. block your dog from guarding you

5. Don’t enable your dog on the furniture (temporarily)

6. Do not enable possessiveness of food or toys

7. practice solid obedience skills

8. teach your dog it’s ok to be alone

9. assist your dog bond with people other than you

10. Reward great behavior

Signs your dog is protective of you

Is my dog protecting me or scared?

What are some other tips you’ve used to prevent a dog’s territorial behavior?

Best products to assist with resource guarding:

More resources to stop your dog from guarding you

Small dog’s possessiveness of owner

I typically hear people ask, “How to stop my small dog from guarding me?” however huge dogs will likewise guard their owners.

With small dogs, the scenario goes something like this:

First, the dog barks as well as growls whenever people come to the door.

Next, the dog’s owner picks him up to stop him from barking or growling.

From his owner’s arms, the dog continues to growl at anyone who tries to get too close. He might not even “allow” anyone else to sit on the couch next to his owner.

Klinkt bekend?

Tips to stop a small dog’s possessiveness of his owner

If your medium or big dog is showing possessiveness, these rules will likewise apply!

How to stop my dog from resource guarding me

1. understand the problem – Why does my dog guard me?

If a small dog is guarding his owner, he is typically acting aggressive since of an insecurity.

The dog’s owner has been carrying him around for months, shielding him from experiencing the world as a dog. Whenever the dog is frightened, the owner picks him up.

Although the owner is trying to protect her dog, the dog never learns exactly how to offer with the real world. He never learns exactly how to cope with new environments, other dogs approaching him, kids reaching for him, etc.

Naturally, the dog feels safe (and therefore more powerful) when he’s in his owner’s arms. He wants to maintain that feeling of power, so he learns to growl at anyone who comes too close.

When he growls, people move away. The dog learns that growling protects his “power source.”

Often, if the owner would simply set the dog on the ground as well as ignore him, the dog’s state of mind would quickly change. more repetitions of that as well as ultimately the dog no longer growls.

*Genieten van dit artikel? get realistic dog training tips emailed once a week. Klik hier

2. dedicate to solving your dog’s guarding

It’s typically difficult for dog owners to realize they themselves are the problem.

What to do if your dog is protective of you?

If you can dedicate to making modification in your own behavior, you can assist your dog. I understand it’s not always easy, so hang in there!

Are you ok with setting your dog on the ground when he’s scared? Are you ok with ignoring him? using a firm voice? setting clear rules as well as boundaries?

If you are willing to make changes, you will be able to assist your dog overcome his possessiveness over time. If you can’t change, then it will not be possible for your dog to change.

Keep reading for more ideas on what to do if your dog is protective of you.

3. Do not hold the dog when he’s growling

When you hold your dog, you enable him to ended up being more powerful.

Obviously we love lap dogs, as well as it’s not a poor thing to hold as well as cuddle them. That’s one of the reasons we love dogs!

However, we should not hold or cuddle our dogs when they are acting insecure or aggressive. Doing so encourages the wrong behavior. If you hold a dog when he’s growling, he is not discovering a more appropriate behavior. He thinks the barking is ok when it’s not.

I’m not saying you can’t provide comfort to a frightened dog, however when the fear is resulting in aggression we need to look for other ways to offer comfort vs. picking the dog up.

See my post: Can you reward a dog’s fear?

4. block your dog from guarding you

If you set your dog on the ground, he might sit at your feet as well as guard you from there. Or, he might keep trying to jump back onto the couch or onto your lap where he feels more powerful.

Don’t enable this.

If he jumps onto your lap, set him back on the ground.If he tries to jump on the couch, block him with your arm or leg. push him off if needed. If he sits at your feet, put his leash on him as well as tether him to a chair across the room. Or, if he keeps hiding behind your legs at the dog park, keep moving away.

The dog needs to discover exactly how to cope without you.

When placed on the ground, the dog will most likely stop growling as well as barking. Instead, his true stress and anxiety will show. He might pace as well as whine, frantically trying to get back to his “power source” – your lap!

This is when you should simply ignore your dog. Don’t think about him. Don’t touch him. Don’t even glimpse in his direction. Act as though he is not there. as well as don’t feel poor about it.

You are helping him ended up being a more confident, normal dog. When he’s calm as well as quiet, that’s when you should pet him as well as even invite him back to sit with you.

*Genieten van dit artikel? get realistic dog training tips emailed once a week. Klik hier

5. Don’t enable your dog on the furniture (temporarily)

If your dog has a habit of guarding you, I recommend a no dogs on the furniture rule, at least temporarily.

This rule seems very difficult for the owners of small dogs to enforce, however it’s important. (My dogs are never allowed on the furniture as well as they are just fine!)

See our post: stop my dog from growling at me on the bed

Often, the furniture itself is what triggers the possessiveness. The dog may not enable strangers to sit on the couch, for example.

If that’s the case, the owner should not enable the dog on the couch at all. The human decides who sits on the couch. The dog does not get to decide.

The dog might even growl at someone who sleeps in his owner’s bed! Again, the human should be the one to choose who sleeps on the bed. The dog does not get to decide!

Enforcing a no dogs on the furniture rule will likewise teach your dog a higher level of self control. This is important overall since a dog with more self control is generally going to be more obedient, balanced as well as happy.

6. Do not enable possessiveness of food or toys

Dogs that are possessive of their owners are typically possessive of food as well as toys as well. This is habits that you should not tolerate from your dog.

To stop a dog’s possessiveness of food as well as toys, it’s important to  teach the dog a command for “drop” or “leave it.” It’s likewise important to comply with consistent rules, as well as to teach your dog that whatever belongs to you – even “his” toys, food as well as bed.

7. practice solid obedience skills

Dogs with solid obedience skills are generally more respectful of their owners. They listen to commands, as well as they have a high level of self control.

It’s not a coincidence that small dogs are less likely to be trained as well as more likely to be possessive compared to larger dogs.

It’s never too late to start training your dog, though. I extremely recommend you start taking your dog to group obedience classes. It’s important for the dogs to discover self control while working around other dogs.

*This article has been expanded into a FREE ebook on how to break a dog’s possessiveness. Krijg het hier.

8. teach your dog it’s ok to be alone

Sometimes a small dog feels the need to guard his owner since he is not comfortable being alone. He barks as well as growls at anyone who comes near since that person might be trying to remove him from the owner.

You have the capability to modification your dog’s habits by helping him cope without you. It’s not healthy for a dog to be near his owner 24/7 just as it’s not healthy for any type of two people to be together all the time!

So, provide your dog some time each day in his kennel or in a separate room. You can provide him a special treat during this time like a Kong toy with peanut butter. If the dog whines, it’s very important to ignore him until he’s quiet.

Another way to produce separation is to tether his leash to a chair as well as sit on the other side of the room, ignoring him for 20 minutes.

You should likewise work on teaching him a solid down/stay command until he will lie on a dog bed or mat for up to a half-hour.

See: exactly how to teach the place command.

9. assist your dog bond with people other than you

Ask pals as well as household members to feed your dog, take him for walks as well as play with him from time to time. This will assist your dog see that other people are good, too!

And here’s a fantastic training exercise recommended by a reader named Marie:

Tie your dog’s leash to a chair as well as sit on the chair. Then, ask different people to approach you as well as your dog. The second your dog barks or growls, get up as wellas walk away without saying a word. This will teach your dog that barking as well as growling will not assist his situation. It will really make you go away!

Sounds like a fantastic concept to me!

10. Reward great behavior

It’s important that we praise our dogs when they are showing great behavior. If your dog is sitting calmly on the floor while guests are over, make sure to pet him as well as tell him he’s a great boy. Or toss him a treat.

If he sits patiently while you pet one more dog, tell him what a great dog he is.

We want to ignore unwanted habits as well as reward the good. I recommend the treats called wellness Well Bites.

Signs your dog is protective of you

Finally, I quickly wanted to listing out some signs that your dog is protective of you since it’s not always simple to tell.

Signs your dog is guarding you:

(These can likewise be signs your dog is scared, which is typically the real reason the dog is protecting you. She’s frightened!)

Growls or barks when other people approach you
Places herself between you as well as one more person
Backs into you or sits on your feet or at your feet

Is my dog protecting me or scared?

Often, both! The top reason dogs “protect” their owners is since they are scared. Their owner is the one thing that helps them feel secure as well as safe, so they want to “protect” this “power source.”

The best thing you can do is assist develop your dog’s confidence as well as security using some of the tips outlined above.

What are some other tips you’ve used to prevent a dog’s territorial behavior?

Laat me het begrijpen in de reacties!

*This article has been expanded into a FREE ebook on how to break a dog’s possessiveness. Krijg het hier.

Best products to assist with resource guarding:

High-value treats!I recommend the brand Wellness Well Bites when you work with your dog on “drop”, “leave it” as well as trading them.
Treat pouch.Use a treat bag to conveniently hold all your treats during your training sessions.
Clicker.Use the clicker to mark the precise moment your dog does the correct behavior. In our case, it’s “drop” or “leave it.” followed by a treat!

More resources to stop your dog from guarding you

How to break a dog’s possessiveness (my long article)
Book: The cautious Canine by Patricia McConnell
Dr. Patricia McConnell’s article on guarding

Lindsay Stordahl is the creator of That Mutt. She writes about dog training, dog exercise as well as feeding a healthy raw diet.

The most important info to put on a Dog’s ID tag

What’s the most important info to put on a dog’s ID tag?

Laat me weten wat je denkt.

My pets’ tags are simple. Their tags include their names and two phone numbers (my cell and my husband’s cell).

But is that the best info?

Obviously the more info you can put on the tags, the better.

One of my readers really impressed me when she said she fit the following on one nameplate:

dog’s name & “chipped”


license number

rabies tag number

That’s a lot of important info crammed onto one little name plate!

It got me thinking … am I including enough info on my pets’ tags?!

This post is sponsored by dogIDs.

Important info to put on a dog’s ID tag

dogIDs is a business that sells personalized dog collars and ID tags. I asked the company if there is any additional info pet owners should include on the tags beyond the basic name, phone number and perhaps address. here were some suggestions:

1. medical needs

One idea the company suggested is to specify on the tag if your dog has any major medical issues.

For example, maybe your dog needs medication such as insulin and someone who finds your dog would have no way of knowing this otherwise.

2. Phone number on the actual collar

Another suggestion from dogIDs is to put your dog’s phone number right on the actual collar like we’ve done with Remy (below). This can be through embroidery or with a nameplate. Either way, your dog carries your number even if he loses his tag.

And obviously, make sure the number is current and working.

One of the most commonly encountered issues with lost pets is if they’re wearing tags at all, the info is sometimes out of date, according to Aurora Piacentino, senior manager of shelter operations for animal care Centers of new York City.

3. Your last name and zip code

The pet owner’s name and general vicinity like “Manhattan” or a zip code is also helpful, according to Piacentino. While the pet’s name is a nice touch, lost animals are likely to be stressed and overwhelmed, so it’s not essential.

4. Make sure your new dog has ID tags right away!

When you adopt a puppy—or especially an adult dog—make sure the dog has an ID tag right away, before you even leave the shelter or rescue group. At the very least, he should have a tag with the rescue group’s contact information.

I volunteer with a Labrador rescue and, sadly, at least once a year a newly adopted dog gets away from his new family the first day home. An ID tag is a lifesaver in these situations.

An example: Edward the Yorkshire terrier

Sarah Angst is a blogger who writes about Yorkshire terriers, and she told me about a similar experience with one of her foster dogs.

The Yorkie, Edward (pictured with his new mom), had just gotten adopted and his new family hadn’t gotten him a new collar yet. He was riding in the car while the family dropped the kids off at school, and he managed to escape during the commotion.

“He was roaming the streets for two days in the rain,” Angst said. “We spent countless hours and a sleepless night looking everywhere, posting on Facebook, talking to shelters and vets and putting up flyers.”

Thankfully, Edward was still wearing his old collar and tags Angst had gotten him, and she received a phone call that someone had found Edward.

Angst is a firm believer in microchips but without a collar and tag she said a regular person who finds your pet will have no way to contact you.

Piacentino made the same point:

“Anyone can see a tag and call a phone number—there’s no need to call a central database to access owner information; no need to visit a vet or shelter to scan for a microchip.”

After the experience with Edward, Angst recommends that pet owners:

Make sure to have recent photos of their pets for posting on Facebook and fliers

Always keep a collar and tag on their pets.

Angst said in the past she would sometimes wait a few days before putting a dog’s collar back on after a bath. That changed after her experience with Edward.

“Make the collar a priority,” she said.

Giveaway – Win a paw print ID tag for your pet

*This giveaway has ended.

dogIDs is giving away a free paw print ID tag to one lucky reader of That Mutt.


Just leave a comment below. let me know which one of your pets could use a new tag.

The tag includes the pet’s name on the front and up to 4 lines of information on the back.

I’ll choose the winner at random on Wednesday may 18. must have a U.S. mailing address to win.

(Available sizes are 1” diameter and 1 1/4“ diameter.)

Which one of your pets could use an updated ID tag?

LotEt ik weet het in de reacties!

*U kunt ook couponcode gebruiken die bij het afrekenen om 10% te besparen op alle producten van Dogids.

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CheckUp wellness test for Dogs evaluation as well as Giveaway

Leave a comment to go into to Win a free CheckUp Kit

Note: This evaluation is sponsored by shoreline Global.

Coastline worldwide is providing away three CheckUp at-home wellness tests for dogs. Leave a comment at the end of this publish for a possibility to win.

What is CheckUp?

CheckUp is a noninvasive, at-home urine test for dogs as well as cats.

You just gather a urine sample from your dog or feline (lovely, I know) as well as then dip a testing strip in the sample as well as compare the colored results on the strip to markers on a card. The product is designed for in-between vet visits.

CheckUp can help dog as well as feline owners find prospective problems such as:

high glucose levels (potential indication of diabetes)
kidney conditions
blood in the urine

I decided to utilize the set with my senior dog Ace, as well as his results came back as normal. say thanks to goodness!

CheckUp wellness test for Dogs Review

Het komt neer op:

This is a valuable product that can provide dog as well as feline owners some peace of mind as long as they don’t mind collecting the pet’s urine sample.

Obviously this is not designed to replace a vet see however it can assist pet owners inspect a pet’s health and wellness between vet sees as well as catch prospective problems early on.

I photo it being particularly practical for shelters as well as rescue groups, owners of senior pets, pets with chronic health and wellness problems or pets that are terrified of the vet or aggressive at the vet (talking to you, Scout!).

The expense of CheckUp

The kits are $14.99. KLIK HIER.

Each set for dogs includes:

1 telescopic pole (extends to about 18″ – just guessing)
1 detachable metal sound to hold large, disposable cup + lid
1 sample collection pipette
1 sample collection vial to hold little urine sample for testing
2 similar testing strips to dip into urine samples as well as compare results on card

There are separate kits for dogs as well as for cats however they test for the exact same issues. The feline version includes some special sand you can put in the litter box for collecting a urine sample.

Pros of CheckUp

CheckUp is one more at-home tool to assist you gather as much info as possible. like a pet thermometer, for example.

Affordable (normally $14.99 per set on Amazon). By comparison, urinalysis at a vet office varies however you can expect to pay around $100 or more.

Only takes about 60 seconds for the test strip to show the results (vs. waiting rather a long time for lab results).

Comes with a vial you can seal as well as keep a sample if needed for further testing at your pet’s vet.

Great for tracking your pet between vet visits, particularly for senior pets or pets with chronic health and wellness issues.

Comes with a pole (extends to about 18″), metal sound as well as cup & lid to quickly gather the dog’s urine.

The feline version includes special sand you can put in the litter box for collecting the urine sample. trust me, this is a plus! I collected my cat’s urine sample with a spoon once!

Easy to use, just make sure you checked out the directions ahead of time.

Non-invasive as well as non-stressful for most pets.

Cons of CheckUp

Well … you have to be willing to gather a urine sample. This is more difficult for some pets than others. ?

It would be nice if it came with plastic gloves. Je begrijpt …

Some vets may still want you to pay for a urinalysis or bloodwork with their office. That will depend upon the private vet, your specific pet, the health and wellness problem in question, etc.

You may state one “con” might be some people will utilize it as an reason not to go to the vet. I don’t believe that is true. anyone who cares sufficient to buy this set as well as gather a sample is going to take their pet to the vet if they believe necessary.

Would I buy a CheckUp set for my pets?

Yes, I would buy this product every now as well as then if my budget plan were a bit more flexible. It’s one of those things I don’t see as a necessity however would be nice to utilize every couple of months.

I would be more likely to utilize this for my cats than my dogs since I don’t take my cats to the vet extremely often.

Would I suggest CheckUp to others?

Yes, I suggest this product to owners of senior dogs or dogs with chronic health and wellness issues. I likewise suggest it for feline owners since most of us don’t take our cats to the vet as commonly as our dogs.

Eis een geweldig product voor schuilplaatsen en reddingsgroepen om ook bij de hand te hebben.

Meer informatie op U kunt ook de Facebook -pagina zien voor updates en meer informatie.

Giveaway – Win een wellness -set voor je hond (drie winnaars)

Voer in om een ​​van de drie controlekits te winnen.

*Gefeliciteerd aan de winnaars: Ann, Sandy en Amy!

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Ik zal de drie winnaars willekeurig selecteren op dinsdag 24 mei. Winnaars moeten een Amerikaans postadres hebben om te winnen of het product naar een goede vriend in de VS te laten sturen

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